Required Legal Notices
Below are required legal notices.
Deposits with Rabobank Canada are not insured by the Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation (CDIC).
Procedures for Customer Complaints
1. If you have a complaint, please notify your main contact at Rabobank Canada (the “Branch”) as soon as the problem arises, by phone or email.
2. If you are not satisfied with the solution offered to you by your first point of contact at the Branch, you can ask that person to elevate your complaint to the General Manager of the Branch or you can contact the General Manager directly at:
22 Adelaide Street West
Suite 3720
Toronto, ON, M5H 4E3
Telephone: 647-258-2020
Email: fm.ca.toronto.contactus@rabobank.com
3. We will respond to your complaint with a substantive written response within 56 days from the day that the complaint is received by General Manager of the Branch. If the resolution of your complaint could be delayed beyond that 56-day period we will notify you of the potential delay and the reason(s) for the delay.
4. If our response to your complaint is delayed beyond 56 days from the day that it is received by General Manager of the Branch, or if you are not satisfied with the solution offered to you by the Branch, you may escalate your complaint to the Branch’s external complaints body, the Ombudsman for Banking Services and Investments (“OBSI”) at:
20 Queen Street W, Suite 2400
P.O. Box 8
Toronto, ON M5H 3R3
Telephone: 1-888-451-4519
Email: ombudsman@obsi.ca
5. If you refer your complaint to OBSI, the Branch will provide OBSI with a copy of all information in its possession or control that relates to the complaint without delay after the Branch is notified that the complaint has been received by OBSI.
Financial Consumer Agency of Canada (FCAC)
The FCAC supervises all financial institutions, including Rabobank Canada, to ensure compliance with federal consumer protection laws and with industry voluntary codes of conduct. If you have a complaint regarding a violation of a consumer protection law or a code of conduct by Rabobank Canada you may contact the FCAC as follows:
427 Laurier Ave., West,
6th Floor
Ottawa, ON K1R 1B9
Commercial Electronic Messages and Canada’s Anti-Spam Law
Canada’s anti-spam legislation (“CASL”) is comprehensive legislation designed to regulate a variety of electronic communications and programs, such as e-mails. The Rabobank Group (“Rabobank”) is committed to compliance with CASL and to ensuring that the commercial electronic messages that it sends are sent in accordance with CASL.
Rabobank wishes to assure to its customers that business communications will continue to be sent to organizations with which Rabobank has a relationship.
In addition, as provided under CASL, Rabobank will send, and continue to send, commercial electronic messages in the following cases:
If you choose to “unsubscribe”, please note that there may be some circumstances in which Rabobank will continue to send you electronic messages (for example, where Rabobank is required to send the message or the message is sent to protect or enforce Rabobank’s legal rights).
Please contact us using the contact information below if you have any questions concerning this policy.
Last Updated: March 2017
Disclosure on Tied Selling
Coercive tied selling is illegal and prohibited under Section 576.1 of the Bank Act. More specifically, it is against the law for an authorized foreign bank to “impose undue pressure on, or coerce, a person to obtain a product or service from a particular person, including the authorized foreign bank and any of its affiliates, as a condition for obtaining another product or service from the authorized foreign bank”.
You cannot be unduly pressured to buy a product or service that you don’t want from an authorized foreign bank or one of its affiliates, to obtain another bank product or service. You can expect all employees at Rabobank Canada to comply with the law by not practising tied selling. If you believe that you have experienced coercive tied selling in any dealings with us, please inform us by contacting in writing:
Rabobank Canada
Attn: Compliance Officer
22 Adelaide Street West, Suite 3720
Toronto, Ontario M5H 4E3
Fax: 416-941-9750
Such complaints will be replied to in a timely manner. If still not satisfied, you may then contact the OMBUDSMAN FOR BANKING SERVICES AND INVESTMENTS, a third party complaints resolution organization, of which Rabobank Canada is a member, in writing at the following address:
Ombudsman for Banking Services and Investments
401 Bay Street, Suite 1505, P.O. Box 5
Toronto, Ontario M5H 2Y4
and finally you may also contact the Financial Consumer Agency of Canada (FCAC)
6th Floor, Enterprise Building,
427 Laurier Ave. West
Ottawa, Ontario K1R 1B9
The FCAC will determine whether the financial institution is in compliance with federal consumer protection laws. It does not provide redress or compensation and cannot get involved in individual disputes.
Revised January 25, 2017